
Create a Web Map

Friday, October 19, 2012

Arcgis Digital Cartography Notes

What is Cartography

Oldest known map İs from Babil named  İmago Mundi.

Google Earth Thematic Mapping Engine 
This kml file site makes thematic mapping to use as overlay at google earth

My Arcgis and İdrisi Channel 

Arcgis Toolbox Reclassify Zonal Statistics


How to Install New Version of GTKRadiant
First install a clean copy of Quake 3 Arena or other games which maps could be made  with GtkRadiant.
Then install GTK Radiant 1.6.3 on to the folder Quake III Arena\.I mean just extract the folder
I found Gtkbuild but when i search it again cant find its location .its a bug for google .
When you search for


it appears at first result.But if you dont know name of  it and search as "Gtk build ,gtkradiant build ,quake 3 build  its not able to find it.
Then install this too regular folder.Run GTKBuild and goto options on menu bar
At Program settings Change Location/ name of q3map.exe instead to Q3map2.exe on GTKRadiant folder
Set bspc.exe location  as same before.
Set Quake III Arena Folder .
You did it.Congrulations.
Links: GTkRadiant&nbsp İcculus
                                        Good Source with detailed Instructions
3d gtk radiant level designe notes All the map styles will be availeble now for all of you
And unzip pak0.pk3  into the same folder it exists ( Program Files/Quake 3 Arena/baseq3/).
Then make  sure the project settings directory is  same  directory(.From File Project Settings menu.)

How to import sketchup models maps that resides in Google Earth maps into games that uses GTKRadiant 1.6.3 for making maps (not maps of cartography) of game,and models.
First look at GtkRadiant menu File to import this models with extension of .Skp .3ds collada .